BG Champs 2023 - Long (10/09/2023)
Category: Competitions
Map/area: Atoluka, Ravnogor
Country: Bulgaria
Discipline: Long
Distance: 14.01 km
Time: 94:21
Interesting race but I did a few mistakes here and there. A big one to 15th where I was a bit unfocused and thougth this would be an easy one. I did not see the yellow in the terrain and did miss more than 2 minutes. Suboptimal micro route-choice (the last part) on the long 17th leg because of the refreshment point... than a small mistake to 22nd where it was way steeper and the valley was not really visible in the terrain I guess, plus ~1min. In the third last control I was not precise enough and meeting other runners helped me even more to miss a bit more than a minute. In general I felt good and I'm happy with that.
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BG Champs 2023 - Long (10/09/2023) BG Champs 2023 - Long (10/09/2023)